The Sierra Leone Web


Pεlεi Bu - In the House

Li nya yeepεlε bu Go tu mai haus Go to my house
Ngii bi wεlεi gככ Ai dont noo yככ haus I don't know your house
Kilikili le sכkui na hu It iz a raund haus in that kככnε It is a round house in that corner
Wa mu li na Kכm, lεt כs go thεε Come, let us go there
Nya wεlεi lכ, wuaa! This iz mai haus, kכm in (כ go in) This is my house, come in (or go in)
Heiwulii gbe, hei! Hiε iz a siit, sit daun Here is a seat, sit down
Bi bכlεi la tebii ma Put yככ hat כn thε tebul Put your hat on the table
Soko, pεlεi bu yila Soko, swiip thε haus Soko, sweep the house
Kpangbεi lכ mindo? Wεε iz the bruum? Where is the broom?
Nya 'lomεi' ve kεε boobanii Giv mi mai shεεt and the gaun Give me my shirt and the gown
Wa a nya gכwεisia Briŋ mai shuuz Bring my shoes
Kכwεi jisia mayila Pכlish thiiz shuuz Polish these shoes
Gbεε ngi nya 'lomεi wu Lεt me put mai shεεt כn Let me put my shirt on
Gbεε ba nya gbee? Wai du yuu luk at me? Why do you look at me?
Bכlεi gbua Tek Yככ hat כff Take your hat off
Bi mbεlε-gutii nכhכngכe Yככ shככts aa dεεti Your shorts are dirty
Bi mbεlε-guhεi yaa sεwεsεwε Yככ trauzεs aa kliin Your trousers are clean
Lamboi loonga Lait thε lamp Light the lamp
Gbua, ngilεi lכ gbawoma Go aut, thε dכg iz baakiŋ Go out, the dog is barking
Pεlεi gbכu Shכt thε dככ Shut the door
Wundεisia lawo כpεn the windoz Open the windows
Londo! Nde Jεnε ma i wa Bi kuayεt! Tεl Jεnε tu kכm Be quiet! Tell Jene to come
Mεhεε lכ na? Iz thεε εni fuud? Is there any food?
Wa la, ndכlεi lכ nya ma Briŋ it, ai am hכngri Bring it, I am hungry
Wa mu mεhεε mε Kכm lεt כs iit Come, let us eat
Gכnεε gכ Fiid thε kat Feed the cat
Nya gכ njεi hu Giv mi sכm wכtε Give me some water
Gbεε ngi taavεi gbכle Lεt me smכk a paip Let me smoke a pipe
Masisi lכ bi yeya? Hav yuu εni machiz? Have you any matches?
Masisi lכ nya pכkitii hu Thε machiz aa in mai pכkεt The matches are in my pocket
Paniisia wua kεε tכmblεisia Wכsh thε panz and the tכmblεz Wash the pans and the tumblers
Nja gbii fεi hu Thεε iz no wכtεin the pכt There is no water
Nyaa lima ngi la Ai am goiŋ tu lai daun I am going to lie down
Bi kpukכi Hav yuu pripεad thε bεd? Have you prepared the bed?
Li bi njεi gbua mbε Go and pripε mai bath Go and prepare my bath
Li bi kaosiin yeya Go and bai sכm kεrosin Go and buy some kerosene
Kaosiin wu lamboi hu Put sכm kεrosin in the lamp Put some kerosene in the lamp
Kpindii i wεlεa Thε nait haz kכm The night has come
Wa sina a ngenda tεtε Kכm εεli tumכro mככniŋ Come early tomorrow morning
Pεlεi ji a bכlכ This haus liiks This house leaks
Mכmכ a kpatεlכ sina Mכmכ wil ripεa it tumכro Momo will repair it tomorrow